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- Celestia: A real-time visual space simulation
- Copyright (C) 2001-2002, Chris Laurel <claurel@shatters.net>
- --
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
- USA.
- --
- Installing:
- Unzip the files into a temporary directory, such as c:\temp\ Then, select
- Run from the Start menu and enter:
- TEMPDIR\setup.exe
- Where TEMPDIR is the name of your temporary directory (e.g. c:\temp\setup.exe)
- This will launch the setup program that will install Celestia on your
- computer. After setup is complete, launch Celestia by selecting it from
- the start menu.
- See the file INSTALL for detailed UNIX installation instructions. Briefly,
- though:
- ./configure
- make
- make install
- Running Celestia:
- Celestia will start up in a window, and if everything is working
- correctly, you'll see Jupiter's moon Io in front of a field of
- stars. In the left corner is a welcome message and some information
- about your target (Io), your speed, and the current time (Universal
- Time, so it'll probably be a few hours off from your computer's clock.)
- Right drag the mouse to orbit Io and you should see Jupiter and
- some familiar constellations. Left dragging the mouse changes your
- orientation too, but the camera rotates about its center instead of
- rotating around Io. Rolling the mouse wheel will change your distance
- to the space station--you can move light years away, then roll the wheel
- in the opposite direction to get back to your starting location. If your
- mouse lacks a wheel, you can use the Home and End keys instead.
- In Celestia, you'll usually have some object selected; currently,
- it's Io, but it could also be a star, planet, spacecraft, or galaxy.
- The simplest way to select an object is to click on it. Try clicking
- on a star to select it. The information about Io is replaced with
- some details about the star. Press G (or use the navigation menu),
- and you'll zoom through space toward the selected star. If you
- press G again, you'll approach the star even closer.
- Press H to select our Sun, and then G to go back to our solar system.
- You'll find yourself half a light year away from the sun, which looks
- merely like a bright star at this range. Press G three more times to
- get within about 30 AU of the sun and you will be to see a few become
- visible near the sun. Right click on the sun to bring up a menu of
- planets and other objects in the solar system. After selecting a planet
- from the menu, hit G again to travel toward it. Once there, hold down
- the right mouse button and drag to orbit the planet.
- Tour Guide
- The tour guide is a list of some of the more interesting objects you can visit
- Celestia. Select the Tour guide option in the navigation menu to bring up the
- guide window, choose a destination from the list, click the Goto button, and
- you're off.
- That covers the very basics . . .
- Left drag to orient camera
- Right drag to orbit the selected object
- Use the mouse wheel to adjust distance to selection
- (for wheelless mice, dragging while holding left and right
- buttons or left dragfing while holding control to dolly camera
- will adjust distance)
- Left drag while holding shift to zoom
- Click the wheel to reset the field of view to 45 degrees
- Left-click to select; double click to center selection
- Right-click to bring up context menu
- Navigation:
- H : Select the sun (Home)
- C : Center on selected object
- G : Goto selected object
- F : Follow selected object
- Y : Orbit the selected object at a rate synced to its rotation
- T : Track selected object (keep selected object centered in view)
- HOME : Move closer to object
- END : Move farther from object
- ESC : Cancel motion or script
- Left/Right Arrows : Roll Camera
- Up / Down Arrows : Change Camera Pitch
- Time:
- Space : stop time
- L : Time 10x faster
- K : Time 10x slower
- J : Reverse time
- Labels:
- N : Toggle planet and moon labels
- B : Toggle star labels
- = : Toggle constellation labels
- V : Toggle info text
- Options:
- U : Toggle galaxy rendering
- O : Toggle planet orbits
- / : Toggle constellation diagrams
- Ctrl+A : Toggle atmospheres
- I : Toggle cloud textures
- Ctrl+L : Toggle night side planet maps (light pollution)
- Ctrl+S : Toggle between textured and point stars
- Ctrl+E : Toggle rendering of eclipse shadows
- ; : Show an earth-based equatorial coordinate sphere
- [ : Decrease limiting magnitude (fewer stars visible)
- ] : Increase limiting magnitude (more stars visible)
- { : Decrease ambient illumination
- } : Increase ambient illumination
- , : Narrow field of view
- . : Widen field of view
- W : Toggle wireframe mode
- Ctrl+P : Toggle per-pixel lighting (if supported)
- Ctrl+V : Toggle vertex programs (if supported)
- r R: lower or raise texture resolution
- Spaceflight:
- F1 : Stop
- F2 : Set velocity to 1 km/s
- F3 : Set velocity to 1,000 km/s
- F4 : Set velocity to speed of light
- F5 : Set velocity to 1,000,000 km/s
- F6 : Set velocity to 1 AU/s
- F7 : Set velocity to 1 ly/s
- A : Increase velocity (exponentially)
- Z : Decrease velocity (exponentially)
- Q : Reverse direction
- X : Set movement direction toward center of screen
- Number pad:
- 4 : Yaw left
- 6 : Yaw right
- 8 : Pitch down
- 2 : Pitch up
- 7 : Roll left
- 9 : Roll right
- 5 : Stop rotation
- Joystick:
- X axis : yaw
- Y axis : pitch
- L trigger : roll left
- R trigger : roll right
- Button 1 : slower
- Button 2 : faster
- Other:
- D : Run demo
- F8 : Enable joystick
- F10 : Capture image to file
- ` : Show frames rendered per second
- ENTER : Select a star or planet by typing its name
- Star and Planet Browsers:
- [For the moment This only applies to the Windows version of Celestia.]
- In the navigation menu are 'Solar System Browser' and 'Star Browser'
- options. The Solar System Browser pops up a window with a tree view
- of all the objects in the nearest solar system (if there is one at all
- within a light year of your current position.) Clicking on the name
- of any planet in the window will select it; you can then use the center
- or goto buttons to see it in the main Celestia window. The star
- browser is a window showing a table of the hundred nearest stars,
- along with their distances and apparent and absolute magnitudes.
- Clicking on the column headers will sort the stars. The table is
- not continuously updated--if you travel to another star, you should
- press the Refresh button to update the table for your current position.
- The radio buttons beneath the table let you switch between viewing
- a list of nearest or brightest stars. As with the solar system browser,
- clicking on any star name in the table will select it--use this feature
- along with the center button to tour the stars visible from any night
- sky in the galaxy.
- Selecting Objects by Name:
- It's possible to choose a star or planet by name. There are two ways to
- enter a star name: choose 'Select Object' from the Navigation menu to
- bring up a dialog box, or by hitting Enter, typing in the name, and
- pressing Enter again. You can use common names, or Bayer designations
- and HD catalog numbers for stars. Bayer and Flamsteed designations need
- to be entered like this:
- Upsilon And
- 51 Peg
- The constellation must be given as a three letter abbreviation and the
- full Greek letter name spelled out. Irritating, but it'll be fixed.
- HD catalog numbers must be entered with a space between HD and the number.
- Celestia handles star catalog numbers in a slightly kludgy way. To keep the
- star database size to minimum, only one catalog number is stored. Normally,
- this will a number from the HD catalog, but if a star isn't in the HD catalog
- the number from another catalog will be used instead. Currently, the secondary
- catalog is always the HIPPARCOS data set, for which the prefix "HIP" should be
- used.
- Known Issues:
- Many people have reported problems running Celestia with Matrox G400/G450
- 3D accelerator cards. As I don't have a Matrox card, I haven't made much
- progress on this bug. If you do have a G400, have Visual C++ installed, and
- would be interested in testing a debug version of Celestia, please contact me.
- The maximum texture size supported by the Voodoo 1/2/3 is 256x256, so many
- of the planet textures will look blurry when running Celestia on one of these
- cards.
- On 3D accelerator cards with a limited amount of memory, resizing the main
- Celestia window can cause textures to disappear. This occurs because so
- much memory is required the frame buffer that there's not enough left for
- textures. There are a several workarounds:
- - Use a smaller window
- - Make sure your display is set to 16-bit (high color) mode
- - Try running Celestia in full screen mode
- Celestia only barely works in 256 color mode; if your display is set to
- 256 colors, change to 16-bit or 32-bit if at all possible.
- If look good at a distance but get to dark when you approach them closely,
- your OpenGL driver does not support a required extension. Try upgrading to
- the most current version of drivers available for your card. For some older
- cards, this still won't fix the problem. The next version of Celestia will
- feature a workaround.
- Basic Hacking Tips:
- It's possible to modify the solarsys.ssc, stars.dat, and hdnames.dat
- files to create an entirely fictional universe.
- The easiest file to modify is the solar system catalog, as it's a text
- file and the format is very text-editor friendly since that's how I
- had to enter all the data. It's also quite verbose, but that's not a
- problem yet.
- The units used for the solar system data may not be obvious. All
- angle fields in the catalog are in degrees. For planets, the period
- is specified in earth years, and the semi-major axis in AU; for
- satellites, days and kilometers are used instead.
- All solar system textures should be placed in the textures
- subdirectory. Currently, JPEG and BMP are the only formats supported.
- Models belong in the models directory. Celestia can read 3DS models,
- as well as a custom format (.cms files, used right now just for rough
- fractal displacement map likenesses of asteroids and small moons.) 3DS
- meshes are normalized to fit within a unit cube--the Radius field
- determines how big they appear within Celestia.
- The stars.dat file is a binary database of stars, processed from
- the 50+ meg HIPPARCOS data set. The first four bytes are an int
- containing the number of stars in the database. Following that
- are a bunch of records of this form:
- 4 byte int : catalog number
- 4 byte float : right ascension
- 4 byte float : declination
- 4 byte float : parallax
- 2 byte int : apparent magnitude
- 2 byte int : stellar class
- 1 byte : parallax error
- RA, declination, and parallax are converted to x, y, z coordinates
- and apparent magnitude is converted to absolute magnitude when the
- database is read.
- Authors:
- Chris Laurel
- Clint Weisbrod
- Deon Ramsey (UNIX installer)
- Colin Walters (endianness fixes)
- James Holmes
- Contributors:
- Models of Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey were created by
- Shrox: http://www.shrox.com/
- Most of the planet maps are from David Seal's
- site: http://maps.jpl.nasa.gov/. A few of these maps were modified by me,
- with fictional terrain added to fill in gaps. The model of the Galileo
- spacecraft is also from David Seal's site (though it was converter from
- Inventor to 3DS format.)
- The Mars, Moon, and Pluto textures and bump maps are all from
- James Hastings-Trew's collection. Some of the prettiest planet maps
- around are at http://apollo.spaceports.com/~jhasting/
- The Venus, Saturn, and Saturn's rings textures are from Bjorn Jonsson.
- His site is http://www.mmedia.is/~bjj/ and is an excellent resource
- for solar system rendering.
- The Earth texture was created by NASA using data from the MODIS instrument
- aboard the Terra satellite. Further information is available from
- http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/BlueMarble/
- The textures for the Uranian satellites were created by Ivan Rivera from
- JPL data. His Celestia page is http://bruckner.homelinux.net/celestia.html
- The lower resolution textures were all converted from their higher resolution
- Versions using Gimp.
- 3D asteroid models of Toutatis, Kleopatra, and Geographos are courtesy of
- Scott Hudson, Washington State University. His site is:
- http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/~hudson/Research/Asteroids/4179/index.html
- 3D models of Phobos, Deimos, Amalthea, Proteus, Vesta, Ida,
- Mathilde, and Gaspra are derived from Phil Stooke's Cartography of
- Non-Spherical Worlds: http://publish.uwo.ca/~pjstooke/plancart.htm
- The txf font format used by Celestia was devised by Mark Kilgard.
- The star database (stars.dat) was derived from the ESA's HIPPARCOS data set.
- This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG
- Group.
- Thank you to all the Celestia users who've submitted bug reports,
- suggestions, and fixes over the past year. Celestia wouldn't be the
- program it is without your help.
- Chris Laurel
- claurel@shatters.net
- http://www.shatters.net/~claurel
- and
- http://www.shatters.net/celestia/